Daily - 150mL of Calcium, 150mL of Alkalinity Every week- 20mL of Magnesium, 50mL of Potassium and 40mL of Strontium, two drops Iodine, 15mL of Seachem Reef Plus, four drops of Kent Zoe and Kent Marine C. Monthly– 20mL of Seachem Stability
Fish List 7 Green Chromis (Chromis viridis) 17.5” 1 Chocolatedip Chromis (Chromis iomelas) 2.5” 1 Female Bluestar Leopard Wrasse (Macropharyngodon bipartitus) 4” 1 Male Eightline Fairy Wrasse (Paracheilinus octotaenia) 4”
1 Red Fin Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis) 3" 2 Bartlett's Anthias (1 Male, 1 Female) (Pseudanthias bartlettorum) 7"
1 Desjardini Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma desjardinii) 12” 1 Blue Spotted Kole Tang (Ctenochaetus truncates) 7” ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 Fish – 57” (1” for every 2.11 gallons)
Invert List 2 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) 2 Blood Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius) 1 Sand Sifting Sea Star
Algae List 1 Chaetomorpha Algae
Coral List 46 SPS ORA Blue/Green Tortuosa ORA Green Birdsnest ORA Red Planet ORA Chip’s Acropora ORA Green Pocillopora Damicornis ORA Pearlberry ORA Hawkin’s Echinata ORA German Green Acro with Blue Polyps ORA Dustin’s Deepwater ORA Blue Millepora ORA Roscoe’s ORA Bird of Paradise Oregon Tort Upscales Microcladus Aqua Delight Reefermadness Limeade Garf Purple Tri-Color Montipora Setosa Montipora Sunset Purple Monster Orange with Blue Rim Montipora Capricornis Skittles Granulosa Fireside Tenuis Purple/Blue 30,000 Leagues Lokani Pink Lemonade Blue Vermiculata Purple/Green Austera Purple/Blue/Green Plana PP Purple Tri-Color Cerealis Northwoods Tri-Color Tri-Color Stylophora Green/Blue Rim Montipora Confusa Pink Millepora Green/Pink/Yellow Verweyi Eggplant Nana Yellow Caroliniana Rainbow Nasuta Ecto Cooler Millepora Super Pink Pocillopora Green/Lime Pocillopora Sky Blue Turaki Pink with Purple Polyp Stylophora Forest Fire Digitata Purple/Blue Turaki Blue/Green Parilis Green/Tan with Purple Polyp Birdsnest
9 LPS Green with Pink Tip Branching Frogspawn Green Branching Hammer Neon Green Trumpet Red Lobophyllia hemprichii
Deepwater Maroon with gold stripe Trachyphyllia geoffroyi
Red Blastomussa Wellsi Red with Blue center Blastomussa Wellsi Red & Green Trachyphyllia geoffroyi Pink/Tan Fox Coral
10 Zoanthids Montezuma's Revenge Zoanthid Pink Panther Centered Zoanthid Gorilla Nipples Zoanthid Radioactive Green Dragon Eye Zoanthid Blue Eyed Watermelon Zoanthid Mean Green Zoanthid Bam Bam Zoanthid Orange & Green Eagle Eye Zoanthid Green Crossettes Zoanthid Blue/Brown with White Centered Zoanthid
5 Mushrooms Green with Orange Spotted Mushroom Red with Blue Spotted Mushroom Red Mushroom Blue/Purple Mushroom Blue/Green Striped Mushroom
4 Soft Corals Toadstool Leather Silver Branch Pulsing Xenia Green Starburst Chili Coral